Friday 22 July 2011

ATLANTIC POWER CLUSTER: a transnational European project

EUROPEAN UNION - 22/07/2011 - 3B Conseils. Original Article by Francis Rousseau, translated and editted by Christopher Longmore.

The Atlantic Power Cluster was presented at the start of the month at Carrefour In'Energie, an event organised by the Région des Pays de la Loire with the help of the local economic development agency. It was created in 1989 under the presidency of the Region Bsse Normandie at the instigation of the Commission Arc Atlantique.

It aims to bring together several European countries with Atlantic coastline (the UK,Ireland, France, Euskadi, Spain, and Portugal) and 25 French regions with 3 main objectives::

1. Develop a transnational strategy for Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) based on the complementarity between the regions and partner organisations.

2. Strengthen competitivness and innovation via the development of MRE.

3. Contribute to a greener energy produciton model in Europe (strategy UE 2020).

The group revolves around the Commission Arc Atlantique with the following members:

Portugal : Wave Energy Centre (WavEC) founded in 2003 and intended to support companies wanting help in terms of information about the exploitation of wave enerrgy and to promote that technology. INEGI Institute founded in 1986 to act as interface between universities and industry in the fields of R&D, innovation, and technology transfer.

Spain : FUAC (La Coruña University Foundation) very R&D oriented ; FAEN Asturias Energy Foundation) ; SODERCAN (Cantabria Development Agency) ; EVE (Basque country energy agency) created in 1982 by the Basque regional government, very implicated in marine renwables, and about whom we will return soon. CIEMAT (Energy and Environmental research agency attached to the ministry of Science and Innovation.

France : the Aquitaine Region that is very committed to the development of MRE; Pôle des Éco-industries de Poitou-Charentes that supports innovation and follows devlopment of businesses in Poitou-Charentes that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases; Société publique régionale des Pays de la Loire already mentionned above ; Bretagne Développement Innovation, partner of this blog, and resulting from the merger in 2011 of the Agence économique and Bretagne Innovation. Its aim is to help achieve the major strategic objectives of regional economic development policy, and to sustain the economy by the performance of its companies in preparation for to-morrow's economic challenges; Région Basse Normandie whopse commitment to MRE is well known.

UK : Regen South West, a centre of expertise in renewable energy and innoative products for the south-west of England. SEGEC (Scottish European Green Energy Centre) very involved with institutiions, networks, and technology platforms n order to influence the future political agenda, and identify niche opportunities that allow collaboration between different industrial sectors.

Ireland : Galway County Council nterested in and committed to the development of marine renewable energies. CIT (Cork Institute of Technology) very focussed on R&D and has made itself a psecialist in building bridges between innocation and industry.

Each one of the partners has a precise role to fulfill. Thus management and co-ordination falls to the Spanish SODERCAN ;the study or regional benchmarking with the theme "Understanding and comparing the regional strategies for MRE" - Commission Arc Atlantique ; social acceptability to Galway County Council charged with devloping the methods and communication adapted to the different public sectors concerned by MRE so as to reach a consensus; development to our partner Bretagne Développement Innovation charged with identifying new markets for Atlantic companies;the skills and manpower training needed by the MRE industry to CIT (Cork Institute of Technology) ; the development of the Atlantic Cluster, that is to say the conception of the cooperation structures c'est-àîdire la conception de structures needed by MRE to EGEC (Scottish Green Energy) Centre ; and finally communication to the Région Basse Normandie.

The experimental sites in the Atlantic can thus be seen as a new element in the value chain of MRE. A precise map of the sites has been drawn up of the European offishre wind farm inustry, to which we will return in detail on another occasion, and includes the henceforth famous EMEC operating in the Orkneys in the UK. It seems the star and to be THE test site, used to test the no-less famouswave energy converter Oyster by Aquamarine Power ; Galway Bay (working in the UK) ; Wave Hub (in the process of being set-up in the UKi) ; Belmullet under development in Ireland); Nissun Bradning in use in Denmark ; Alpha Ventus (in use in north Germany) ; SEM-REV (dedicated to wave energy and under development in France) ; BIMEP (under development in the Basque country) and Aguçadoura in use in Portugal and which was the first wave energy experimental site in the world. It is where the Pelamis systems (see photoabove right) are tested with a view to creating a 20Mw park.

Sources. Sites linked and mentioned. Map and Photos. 1 : Map of the members of the Atlantic Cluster © Commission Arc Atlantique. 2. Map of European wind strengths © 3:Pelamis Wave Farm à Aguçadoura (Portugal) 4. Map of MRE in the RTA region © extrait Carrefour Sin' Energie 2011- presentation by Stéphane Peyhorgue, Energy Manager.

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