Monday 20 June 2011


Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world's biggest shipbuilder and Korea's largest green energy provider, today completed the site trial of  a prototype 500kW tidal current power system at Uldolmok Passage in Jelllanam-do, southwest Korea.

The prototype tidal current power system was from ideas developed jointly with the shipbuilding division using concepts directly derived from ships' propellers. It connects a tidal turbine, a gearbox, and a generator for power transmission. The system can operate regardless of current direction.

After completing factory and basin trials last year, the Company successfully produced target power generation from site trials this May. Contrary to the company's usual openness, here they have been very "discreet" and the details released conspicuously do not show anything about the design of the unit.

Based on the data collected from the trials, Hyundai heavy plans to pursue tidal current power farm projects by scaling up power generators.

Source:  Hyundai Heavy Industries and Marine Renewable Energy ltd.

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